Beyond Basics ($250)
This 6-hour class is addresses many of the "what if?" questions that students frequently ask after Basics. You will add on to skills you learned in Basics and while reinforcing muscle memory of techniques you already learned. You'll get to practice intermediate-level physical and verbal self-defense skills, increase your confidence and adrenaline management for better control of adrenal response to stress or attack, and increase your environmental awareness and threat assessment.
IMPACT Bay Area COVID-19 Policies
Click here for the most up-to-date information for our classes, and review carefully before signing up for a class.
If you have financial need and want to request a scholarship space, email [email protected] with the name and date of the class you are interested in. If there is space available, we will provide info on how to register. There will be a required minimum copayment of $50 to confirm your commitment to the class.
Payment Plans
Email [email protected] to learn more about our flexible payment plans.
OTHER ADVANCED COURSES (instructor approval required; check back for future dates)
Defense Against Weapons / Armed Assailant ($765)
In this 3-day course, students learn to defend themselves against an armed assailant. We cover self-defense strategies to counter an assault with knives, guns, and clubs. Students will learn about how weapons are used to intimidate as well how they are actually wielded. Requires completion of Women's*, LGBTQ+, or Young Adult Basics as well as instructor approval from your Basics course.
Defense Against Multiple Assailants ($765)
While our Basics class prepares students to handle a single assailant, our 2-day course Defense Against Multiple Assailants takes what students learned in Basics to a new level. This course prepares students to fight off multiple attackers, up to three at once. We cover self-defense strategies, techniques, and attitude for dealing with two or more assailants. Requires completion of Women's*, LGBTQ+, or Young Adult Basics as well as instructor approval from your Basics course.